Car Sales Training 101: Tips to Help Beginners Sell Cars

Written By: BOB RINGO JR.
POSTED ON July 31, 2024

It’s no secret that business is built on personal connections. For salespeople to gain the trust of their prospective customers, they must first master the art of communication—and that can be a language of its own.

NCM Associates believes sales is about selling yourself and your dealership as much as it is about selling the vehicle. By fostering a genuine connection, your salespeople can greatly increase the chances of closing a deal. To help your team, we’ve enlisted the experience of NCM expert Bob Ringo to compile several tips to help beginners sell cars. Let’s dig in.

Product Knowledge: The Key to Confident Selling

Starting out in car sales can feel overwhelming with so many vehicle models and features to learn. By focusing on product training and mastering product information, new salespeople can confidently address any questions their customers express.

If you want to ensure your training makes beginners experts in their new field, start by utilizing manufacturer resources. Each automaker provides extensive training materials covering their entire lineup, and these offer detailed information on features and benefits, often including competitive comparisons.

Additionally, before engaging with customers, your new hires should feel confident. Work with them to master your dealership’s inventory, services, and information, so they can confidently conduct walk-arounds.

Communication: The Cornerstone of Car Sales Success

Developing strong communication skills takes dedication and resilience. Your salespeople, both new or experienced, will hear ‘no’ far more often than ‘yes.’ Despite this, the key to success is to preserve after each rejection. As Ringo says, it often takes five follow-ups to get a ‘yes’ from the customer.

"Don't let frustration win after a 'no.' In the car business, it's a numbers game—the more contacts you make, the better your results will be,” added Ringo.

Training programs play a pivotal role in honing these skills. There are several crucial areas to address, starting with proper communication over the phone. Managers should monitor calls to identify any areas for improvement. Additionally, while interviewing, assess phone, text, email, and video communication from prospects. This can identify candidates with a natural aptitude for connecting with customers.

Building Rapport: From Strangers to Satisfied Customers

New car salespeople might feel intimidated about building relationships with potential buyers, but this skill is essential for long-term success. Remember, people buy from people who they like and who they trust. Shift your focus to becoming a customer advocate, and the sales will follow in its footsteps.

Managers play a crucial role in fostering these essential skills. You can employ several key strategies to better incorporate into your training programs, such as:

Mentorship Matters: Pair experienced salespeople with beginners for coaching and one-on-one guidance. Successful managers often possess the most valuable experience to share with the new team.

Tap into Training Resources: Utilize the wealth of available training materials to teach proven rapport-building techniques. Focus on discovering customer motivations and understanding their needs.

Advocate for the Customer: Encourage a customer-centric approach where the salesperson serves as a trusted guide. This establishes trust and helps customers make informed decisions.

Understanding Customer Psychology: The Key to Closing the Deal

Car sales success goes beyond product knowledge—it involves understanding the motivations and behaviors that drive customer decisions. Every customer is different, which allows for different avenues to approach a potential sale.

"Recognizing different buyer types and personality styles is crucial. Tailoring your approach based on these insights can make the difference between a lost sale and a happy customer,” added Ringo.

Training programs should equip beginners with the tools to navigate the complex world of customer psychology. There are several areas to focus on, including buyer types. By understanding concepts like buyer personas, you can craft better communication to meet their priorities.

Similarly, personality styles can help you adapt your communication style—and even the showroom environment! This lets you recognize how to engage with the four most common personality types—friendly, talkative, quiet, and aggressive.

Follow-up and Relationships: Building a Sustainable Sales Career

In car sales, the journey doesn't end with the initial sale. Nurturing customer relationships is the secret to long-term success. Bob Ringo emphasizes, "Consistent follow-up transforms sales from a job into a career. By staying connected, you build a loyal customer base that generates repeat business and referrals."

To ensure this message is understood, your training program should incorporate these essential follow-up techniques:

Highlight the Power of Persistence: Remind beginners that "no" often just means "not right now." The magic number is five: it can take five follow-ups to convert a prospect. Persistence pays off!

The Referral Advantage: While most customers are happy to give referrals, few salespeople proactively ask for them. Train beginners to confidently request referrals as part of their sales process.

The Math of Success: Emphasize the direct correlation between consistent follow-up and increased sales. This reinforces the importance of building and maintaining strong customer relationships.

Usher in a New Era of Car Sales

As a salesperson is beginning their career, it’s essential they know the tools of the trade. Doing so helps them gain confidence, understanding, and relationships with customers. Contact our NCM Associates experts to learn more about helpful tips to kickstart car sales!